Our trained investigators and consultants include retired law enforcement agents who have decades of experience conducting criminal investigations. Their knowledge of the law and how a criminal investigation is conducted can be instrumental in resolving a criminal case to the benefit of our clients.
All case material provided by the prosecutor is examined. We create a timeline of events and a case contact list that includes every name associated with the file. An analysis of this information is made in order to focus the investigation as we move forward toward resolving the case. We can also recommend and or vet potential expert witnesses to assist in the litigation.
Protected by the client attorney privilege, an in depth interview of the client is conducted in order to obtain background information about the case and the client.
When available or applicable, our investigators conduct an examination of the crime scene along with any available evidence. During this phase of the investigation, we also attempt to develop independent witnesses during a canvass of the area.
We locate all witnesses and complete background investigations on each to determine their credibility and to identify any potential conflicts of interests among the various parties involved in the case.
Witnesses are interviewed and statements are obtained when necessary. We also attempt to interview police officers involved in the case when appropriate.
A comprehensive report of our findings is then prepared wherein any undeveloped leads or potential areas of investigation are outlined.
The final stage of any criminal case might include the testimony of our agents. Since all of our professional investigators are seasoned veterans of the justice system, they are always prepared and ready to testify about our findings.s